This trick opens up a whole world of new tricks.

You will need something to teach your horse to touch. I use a piece of white tissue as there is always some around, and if not (clean) toilet paper will do. Another reason I use white is that it is very easy to see.

When I go on to the more difficult progressions of this basic trick, for example “find”, I will swap to a white tea towel. 

Stand in front of your horse with your touch object.

Hold your object out and say “touch” encouraging him to touch the object.

When he touches it MYNAT (make your noise and treat)

Gradually move the object further away from your horse saying “touch”, and when he does MYNAT.

It’s as easy as that. If you want to take it further:


Swap your tissue for a tea towel or something easy to throw.

Practice touch with this new object.

Now crouch down, hold out your object and say “touch” when he does MYNAT.

Now drop the towel just a little away from your hand, point to it and say “touch”. When he does MYNAT. If he doesn’t go back to step 3.

Gradually increase the distance you drop your object until you can eventually throw it and he will go and touch it. Make sure you say “touch” and point to the object each time . 

Final Thoughts

This is a great trick to teach and can lead to so many things.

Your imagination is your only limit.