

As the horse jumps from one set of diagonal pairs of legs to the other, there is a moment of suspension where all 4 legs are off the ground.


Canter on the right rein (where the right rein is on the inside of the school), so the inside right leg is leading.

This is followed by a moment of suspension where all four feet are off the ground.

Canter on the left rein, so the inside left leg is leading

This is followed by a moment of suspension where all four feet are off the ground.


Gallop on the right rein, so the inside right leg is leading

This is followed by a moment of suspension.

Gallop on the left rein, so the inside left leg is leading.

This is followed by a moment of suspension.

Final Thoughts

It is a good idea to learn how your horse’s legs move at each gait.

 This is because it will help you to learn how to move with him whilst riding and to check he is balanced and correct in his movement.