Your hay net should be the correct size for your horse and what he is eating. This one is used for hay, which has less feed value than haylage so more can be eaten. Haylage nets have small holes. If your horse is fat, smaller holes will be better to encourage slower eating. The holes should not be so large that your horse can get his foot caught in it.
Pull the cord until the knot is at the base next to the net so it does not get in the way when tying it up.
Tie on to a tie ring that is about wither height for your horse. It should never be so low that they could get their foot stuck, or so high that they hurt their neck as they pull the hay, or dust and bits of hay fall into their eyes.
Put the cord through the ring from front to back.
Pull the hay net up to the top of the ring.
Put the cord through one of the holes near the bottom of the net.
Tie a quick release knot
Make a loop
Pull the cord through
Pull it tight
Put the end through the loop to stop the horse undoing it easily
Turn the net so that the knot is at the back of the net.
Final Thoughts
It is very important that you learn to tie your horse’s net safely to avoid any accidents.
It is amazing how a seemingly harmless thing can end up being the most dangerous.