How To Put A Bridle Together Correctly

Assemble the pieces.

Take the bit and make sure it is the correct way around. This is done by pushing the bit together and seeing which way is the smoothest. As you can see, the picture where the bit is folded away from me is the correct way around.

Put the cheek pieces on. Billet hooks go with the hook on the inside so facing the horse’s skin, buckles on the outside away from the horse.

TIP- to undo  the billet hook, bend the leather, hold on to the end then bend back. Moving the leather along so the long hole is over the metal hook before lifting off.

You should be left with this-

Now take the headpiece (ignore my scary look!).

With the bit the correct way round and the billet hooks of the cheek pieces on the inside, attach the headpiece side with the throatlash to the right hand cheek piece.

Take the browband and slide it on the headpiece making sure it is the correct way round.


Attach the left hand side of the headpiece to the cheek piece, making sure it is attached to the front strap of the headpiece and not the throatlash attachment.


Take the noseband, face it in the correct direction


Slide it up on the inside of the right hand side of the browband.


Do up the noseband

TIP- when undoing leather straps, hold the leather straight and slide the buckle up it.


Attach the reins on one side remembering billet hooks face inwards, buckles outwards.


Lay the bridle down and slide your hand along the reins making sure there are no twists in them, then attach to the other side.


Finished at last!

Final Thoughts

Practice makes perfect!